About the Business
With over 30 years of Insurance industry experience, Managing Director Tony Bell, believes the success of Bell Insurance Brokers is based on providing a service which he would wish to receive.
The rising costs of insurance affects everyone whether personal or commercial placing a direct burden on commerical profits. The professional staff at Bell Insurance Brokers work closely with clients to reduce premiums and provide positive solutions and information related to commercial and personal insurance.
Taxi Insurance: Bell Insurance Brokers has a subsiduary company Taxi Services UK, specialising in Private & Public Hire Insurance. Bell Insurance Brokers has a dedicated commercial department specialising in Large Fleet, Manufacturing and Commercial Insurance in addition to Motor and Domestic departments using the latest high speed computerised quotation systems.
National companies are part of the Bell Commercial portfolio, many of whom have appointed Bell Insurance Brokers on the recommendation of other clients.
Business Services

Private Motor Insurance
Private Car Insurance is a legal requirement for an owner and driver of a private car. The insurance protects against claims made by a third party or to protect against damage made to that vehicle by a third party, known as fault or non fault claims. Insurance will also protect against claims made against an owner for injury and personal losses as a result of a claim.
Motor insurance can be complex to understand and premiums and levels of cover can vary a great deal. We will help you to correctly identify the areas which are important to the protection of you and you vehicle at a competitive premium. Whilst all of the sections on motor vehicle insurance policy are important it is advised that professional advice will ensure insurance is in place tailored specifically for the requirements of you the insured.

Building Trade Insurance
Building Trade Insurance provides valuable protection to Building Trade Companies who work both from workshop premises and at on site locations. On site locations, both commercial and domestic, may require specific covers of insurance and insured values to be in place. A ‘Hold Harmless’ Clause in a commercial contract will require specific Insurance Policy notification.
Large or small and any type of building company or building supply company we will help you to correctly identify the areas which are important to the protection of your company and employees. Whilst all of the sections are important it is advised that professional advice will ensure that comprehensive insurance is in place tailored specifically for the requirements of your company.
Location & Hours

16 Hainton Ave